Sunday, February 20, 2011

7 Weeks to Go!

My first week of pre-contest prep is now complete and I am feeling a bit sore but right on target. The food tastes good and there is plenty to eat each meal, as long as I don't wait too long between meals I feel just fine. Lots of protein and green veggies, lots to prep ahead of time so it is ready. My husband calls it the great chicken bake, today we baked three rounds of chicken and a big pot of sweet potatoes to be ready for the next few days.

For the last 2 Saturdays I have been attending posing workshops and feel I finally understand the lat spread and can actually do it! I also met some folks who do myfascial release therapy which can help my development, going to check into that.

I have 4 days of strength and 3 days of cardio workouts and of course the 5 classes I teach on a regular basis. I did sprints on Wednesday in Vibram 5 fingers and found that my calves were sore the rest of the week :)

Tried on my suit Friday and will be finalizing the design this Friday!

So much to do, so much to be excited about!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Next Phase - Pre-Contest Prep!!

The time is coming very close week marks 8 weeks until my show and I will begin the pre-contest diet and workout!! I am excited!

I received my plan from my coach today and am working on understanding it and making the schedule work around life. Diet will be very simple, that is the easy prepare anyway! The workouts are fast paced which I like, as long as I can get to what I need in the gym quickly. I will likely meet with my coach to go over the finer points and I will be off and running or sprinting as the case will be :)

Friday I will have a final cheat meal and Valentines dinner with my husband and then it will be all business after that.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Rest Day

Time to rest, time to reflect on the week, where I have been and where I am heading.

Ordered my suit last night, I am having it custom made, from sizing to the fabric and the is going to be so the right is a swatch of the fabric it will be made of sitting on my arm :)

On my rest days I like to study up on federations and make connections with other competitors on, or other blogs. Many people choose to compete for so many reasons, it makes me reflect on my own reasons and my abilities to reach my goals. I know that success is up to me and I am doing everything I can to get there.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sprinting in the fog

Today was my sprint day. After teaching Pilates I completed 20 - 50yard laps at the was 33 degrees with the wind chill! I felt good about them while I was sprinting but now, my legs are tight! I put some extra glutamine in my shake to help combat the soreness.

Back to the gym tomorrow for another full body workout and to teach Pilates in the evening.